
What makes you Curious?

Curiosity is the strong desire to know something. It comes for the Latin for care, and is associated with all aspects of human development. Curiosity is the opposite of being stuck. When you are stuck, it's easy to get down, depressed, anxious...filled with disgust for yourself. That sounds awful. Curiosity, though, is something else entirely. To feel curious about something implies that you have a care for it. Think about new love, a new relationship, a new job; we are usually so intensely curious about these things. We have energy, care, persistence. We explore the new aspects of this thing. It dominates our time.

What if you were curious about feeling better?

I mean, not just not feeling bad, but actually feeling better. What if you could strive to feel better and better. Each day could be a new beginning. You could love to wake up in the morning because each day has it's own pleasure.

To get into curiosity, try starting with kindness.

Today, I want to notice the part of myself that feels smaller or less than... I want to say, "Hi. I see you. I really want to know more about you." Like Tara Brach says; smile with your eyes, your mouth, and your heart. Give it a shot and by all means, tell me what you think. I'm curious to know more.