Common Myths about Suicide

According to the National Institute of Mental Health, suicide is a leading cause of death in the United States. This terrifying topic can be one that many parents of teens and family of the elderly find difficult to talk about. The purpose of this post is to dispel some of the most common myths about suicidal thinking. Myth #1- Talking to someone who is suicidal makes them more likely to think about or attempt suicide. Fact- Talking to someone who may be having thoughts of suicide often relieves them of the loneliness and fear that they are feeling. Suicidal thoughts can be very isolating, leading a person to search for an escape. By talking to this person, you can help them realize that they are not alone, that there are those that care for them, and they have other options. Myth #2- Suicides happen without warning. Fact- While some completed suicides come without warning, most suicide attempts or deaths come with warning. Many times, someone who is suicidal reaches out to someone else. This attempt to communicate may be indirect or vague, so it is important to know the warning signs of suicide. Myth #3- Once a person is suicidal, they are always suicidal. Fact- Suicidal thinking is often time-limited or related to the situation. With help, someone who is suicidal can often move forward to live long and happy lives. While suicidal thoughts can return, they often pass once the situation has changed.  

If you suspect that someone in your life is struggling with thoughts of suicide, get help now. In Southwest Colorado, you can contact the Axis Health Crisis Team at 970-247-5245 or nationally at 1-800-273-8255.